Friday, December 20, 2013

Beyond: Two Souls Review

My 15th birthday just passed, and I was lucky enough to get a PS3 system. Of course, the first games I wanted to get were PS3 exclusives. I was able to get my hands on Beyond: Two Souls. From what I heard, it was similar to Heavy Rain (same game functions, emotional story, etc).

When I first turned it on, I let it update and I was in. When I started the game, I was taken aback on how realistic the gameplay was. Don't you hate when a game has amazing-looking cut-scenes and when you start playing, it all looks completely different? Not this game. I didn't even know when I was actually playing, or watching a cut scene. You start out as little Ellen Page, at some kind of testing facility. You're testing out these "ablilites" that you seem to have. I'm not going to spoil anything in this review, but the story is beautiful. 

At first, it's confusing. But the more you play, the more you understand what's going on. It's the kind of game where you won't get stuck anywhere, and it compels you to just keep playing until the end in one sitting. Of course, that's near impossible as it is a 10 hour game. I finished it in less than 10 hours in two sittings. The only time I stopped playing was when I was too tired to go on, and I had to sleep. 

Beyond: Two Souls is an extreme emotional game. Some parts may make you cry, some will make you laugh. But it's all mostly emotional, and dramatic. Towards the end is when it really pulls you in. This is when it starts giving you choices, and you choose how you want it to end. You are given two main choices; Life, or Beyond (Death)? Afterwards, you get to choose what she does with her life, if you chose life. I'm not sure what you do for Death, but I'm sure it ends there.

Beyond: Two Souls is an amazing game if you like stories, and doesn't mind a small amount of controls. This game is not really a "game" game, its more of a movie game. If you're not into that, you will probably find it really boring. Don't listen to some reviews saying it "won't live up to it's Hollywood standards". It's a great game. Play it.